Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 1, 2015

That 1964 WHAM! promo - more info!

Remember a couple of weeks ago I showed an ad for Wham! No.1 from 1964 that collector 'stevezodiac' had kindly let me post here? Well, I found a copy of the mag it was in on eBay and promptly bought it, so here's a bigger scan of the advert. It appeared on the back cover of Odhams' Today magazine dated June 20th 1964.

But that's not all! Inside the magazine on page 26 is a little promotion for the comic...

Here's a bigger image. Click to see it larger.

...and a close up of the accompanying cartoon by Leo Baxendale, which I think was drawn exclusively for the magazine...

Good stuff eh? Interesting that Wham! was promoted as "a new concept in children's comics, designed to include everything the youngsters enjoy". It was pretty accurate I think, as Wham! seemed more modern than other comics of the time.

I had to smile at the back page ad saying that the comic was "wholesome". Conductive to good health or moral well being? Well, it certainly cheered us all up that's for sure! If you're interested in looking for a copy of this issue of Today on eBay or wherever, here's the cover. Despite appearances it's not a naturist magazine!

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